In the past only the large companies where able to even give you a tailored formulation/ recipe; nowadays it can already be done with lower volumes (as of 500-1000 kg). The lower the volume, the higher the cost will be as a tailored mix will have higher development cost as well as startup cost of the company creating the blend.
Complete mix
+ easy
+ saves development work
+ nearly no knowhow required
+ consistency
- Less unique
- Bulk ingredients in mix
+ little knowhow required
+ Cheaper than complete mix
+ opportunity to differentiate
+ Consistency
- More expensive than concentrate
+ fault ratio compared to single ingredients are reduced
+ time saving
+ Cheaper without loss of quality
- Require more development work
- Requires more know-how/ control
By better sourcing power it can be cheaper than single ingredients
As Bakery Academy we are a firm believer of being in control of your own process and production, in this mixes can play an important role as long as the mix is ‘open’ and not closed as a ‘blackbox’: with a blackbox some functionalities can be unknown to us as developer and requires more insight to create a more stable production process.
Our scientific bakery articles offer in-depth insights, detailed analyses, and expert perspectives, providing a wealth of information beyond standard blogs.
Ancestral grains give options in nutritional profile and flavour improvement, potentially targeting to specific consumergroups. When working with alte...
In industrial baking, stabilisers are crucial for managing instability, primarily by interacting with water, proteins, and lipids. Key production stag...
Classify, benefits and challenges. Within the upcoming article(s) we will try to shed some light into this by sharing some of our research, how ...
Soy is a unique legume with many beneficial properties, but it remains a legume with a flavor that can be overpowering if overused.
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