
28 April 2021
Layering | Bakery Academy

In lamination one the key elements is to control, whilst obtaining a good and strong dough. By extending the dough and thus reducing the thickness. Part of these lamination steps is that before the first folding, and then reducing of the dough is been done a proper fat (preferably butter due to the taste and melting curve) is laid on top of the dough (or extruded in a continuous production method) and then folded. If this fat is forgotten the layers do not separate during baking that well and a doughy, sometimes crumbly inside is obtained. The number of layers also determine how regular the product bakes and how fine the inside structure will be: more layers is finer inside, but smaller volume.

In laminated products with yeast as an important part of the leavening, it is vital to respect proofing conditions. If proofing is taking too long or temperature is too high (and very often then humidity is lower), products tend to get dry or even have compressed layers, whilst the outside structure seams to collapse partly.

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