Quality control and Sustainability

7 November 2024
Quality control and Sustainability | Bakery Academy

Quality Control and Sustainability

The final part of our series will focus on the importance of quality control and sustainability in industrial baking. As production scales, so does the potential for variability, making a desire either form quality or production or both. Issues such as waste, energy, efficiency, efficacy all come to a front as the need for assurance measures are starting to be essential. In the past quality and therefore quality department was often used as nuisance in this, but it can be turned into a system that works in sustaining consistent quality at an efficient production process.

In all scale up steps a so-called firefighting team, involved in solving all problems, challenges and queries during this. Quite often however, this remains once the product is running for months or years: sometimes out of habit, sometimes as people find it hard to ‘let go’. Setting up a strategy for giving responsibility for process outcomes and adjustment measure as low as possible in the organization could solve for this. Questioning every step with what if..? and trying to make a solving/ decision tree we can predict all things that might deviate from our desired process and how we would like to respond if it deviates. Simultaneously we can give the potential of solving the challenge to people in the organization for individuals or on a ‘4-eyes principle’, allowing only the ‘unsolvable’ challenge to come to our original firefighting team.

The production team is then becoming responsible for a predictable product quality outcome, material efficacy and machine efficiency, thus embracing sustainable production and product quality.

Need to know more? Feel free to contact us!

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