Article 7. Intellectual property rights
7.1 The customer will be the sole owner and will have the exclusive, transferable right of use of the results as described in the Agreement, as far as the results consist of data.
7.2 All data, (methods, technologies and recipes) that Bakery Academy possessed before the start of the project belongs to Bakery Academy and Bakery Academy will remain the sole owner of these rights. If needed, the customer may obtain a license for use on conditions to be agreed.
7.3 The customer will get a non-exclusive, non-transferable right of use of methods and technologies (e.g. measuring methods, methods of work, technologies and recipes) unless the development of these methods and technologies are the explicit aim of the project and all (oustanding) invoices of Bakery Academy have been fully and irrevocally paid. Bakery Academy -in all cases- will have the right to use these methods and technologies for itself and for third parties. In case the customer and Bakery Academy have agreed that the customer has the right to an exclusive, transferable use of results of the project, Bakery Academy has the right to use the results exclusively for itself. Both during and after the period during which Bakery Academy, pursuant to article 4.2. is obliged to secrecy, Bakery Academy has the right to use for itself.
7.4 If the customer will make use of his right to grant sub licenses to third parties as described in article 7.3 hereof, the customer and Bakery Academy shall agree upon a compensation to be paid to Bakery Academy for this sub license.
7.5 The right of use as per article 7.1 and 7.3 hereof is only applicable from the time when Bakery Academy has received complete payment for the work executed.
7.6 Both during and after the period during which Bakery Academy pursuant to article 4.2, is obliged to secrecy, Bakery Academy has the right to use for itself and third parties, or put at the disposal of third parties.
a) know-how and data present at Bakery Academy on acceptance of the order.
b) results of the work outside the area of the order.
c) know-how, data and results of the work with regard to which, pursuant to what has been laid down in Article 4.3 no obligation to secrecy is applicable.
7.7 The customer is not allowed to use results from reports of work done by Bakery Academy for submitting a claim for damages against third parties, for starting legal proceedings and the preparatory actions connected with them and for advertising nor to use the name of Bakery Academy in any connection, unless upon prior written permission from Bakery Academy.
7.8 Reports, drawings and other tangible matters resulting from work done for the customer are the property of the customer, but Bakery Academy keeps the copyright and other intellectual rights of ownership with regard to the afore mentioned reports, drawings and tangible matters. The customer will refer to the relevant authors of Bakery Academy in publications.